Episode 128: Is your “Why” good enough?

Why are you even following God? Many individuals “Why” just isn’t good enough. Some truly follow God out of fear or duty.

This type of allegiance creates followers who truly don’t understand the love and grace of God. In theory they may, but when it comes to practical application of receiving God’s love and grace…they struggle. Don’t feel bad. This has been one of my biggest areas of struggle. I grew up fearful of God’s wrath and constantly trying to avoid sin…this was miserable.

Let’s talk about it!

Episode 126: Friendship across the divide

In this episode I have with me, my good friend Marco. Marco and I have created a close friendship over the past few years while being in mostly opposite sides of the spectrum regarding political and LGBTQ beliefs.

Marco self identifies as a Pansexual male who practices spirituality. Join us as we discuss how healthy friendships are formed across what many believe to be dealbreakers. What healthy boundaries in friendships look like, and how to stand firm on your convictions while loving those around you.

Episode 125: Don’t downplay the Holy Spirit

Feeling stuck? Struggle with thinking that God loves others and is there for others more than you?

Join Jessica in this episode as she discusses how to rest in/have patience as God comes through.

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Episode 124: The power of your words

Many of us speak negatively into our situations without even realizing it. We are negative about the outcomes of future events or even if God will come through for us. This is an area that strongly needs to be addressed. Not only is there power in the words we speak, our brain literally changes as we transform how we speak in view of our life’s circumstances.

Do you want to be more optimistic? You must begin to change the groove patterns in your mind. Join me as we discuss this topic an understand how our words shape how we live.

IG: @loveatthecros_

Youtube: Love at the Cross


Episode 122: The process of sanctification

Episode 112: “The process of sanctification” discusses the frustration of continuously sinning and feeling the guilt that comes along with it. Many people think that after salvation or deliverance their struggle with sin will vanish completely or at least mostly. So when sin emerges and becomes overwhelming, we often feel like we are undeserving of God’s love, grace and mercy. Thereby, rejecting the forgiveness of God.

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