Episode 60: This is probably why you’re struggling

Why do we find ourselves struggling so much in our walk with God? So often we find that unanswered dreams, petitions, and goals plague us years later and drain us of hope for the future. Let’s discuss what oftentimes causes this frustrating halt in our lives.

Episode 59: My 8th year having left homosexuality

This has been a journey. Not all of it is glitz and glamor. There has been many tears, frustration and loneliness. But I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

Episode 58: When everything is going wrong

They say, “Seasons don’t last always”. But what do you do when things never seem to get better? How do you hold on to God when He is blessing everyone except you? Or intervening in everyone’s situation, except you?

Episode 57: The Purpose of the Pause

Striving in our own might to obtain God’s destiny for ourselves often causes us to come up short. We not only need the supernatural power of God in order to reap the harvest God has declared over our lives, but we need those valley moments.

Episode 56: Faith that Fights

So often our faith gets beat up and knocked down. We face challenges of the flesh that persists to drag us back to the sin that we so desperately want to despise. Let’s begin to fight like the men and women God created us to be.

Episode 55: The Judas Effect

Let’s explore how Judas went from disciple to betrayer. If we are honest, we can find ourselves in Judas’ shoes and trapped in the stronghold of sin if we are not careful. In this podcast episode, I will discuss how to make sure you don’t get bound in the Judas effect.

Episode 54: When you’re feeling low and discouraged

Have you ever felt beat down by your emotions? Helpless over your situation? I have. Let’s talk about how to flip the script and allow the power of our words to positively change our situation.

Episode 53: Does God take away blessings because we mess up?

I have often thought that God takes things away because I am not always an honor roll student when it comes to my Christian walk. But in a dream God gave me, He showed me the true culprit behind many lost blessings.

Episode 52: Are you righteous or wicked?

Proverbs 24:16 tells us that the righteous fall seven times but get back up again while the wicked stumble in times of calamity. Have you ever felt like you were at times righteous and wicked at other times? Let’s talk about it.