Category Archives: Q&A

Episode 124: The power of your words

Many of us speak negatively into our situations without even realizing it. We are negative about the outcomes of future events or even if God will come through for us. This is an area that strongly needs to be addressed. Not only is there power in the words we speak, our brain literally changes as we transform how we speak in view of our life’s circumstances.

Do you want to be more optimistic? You must begin to change the groove patterns in your mind. Join me as we discuss this topic an understand how our words shape how we live.

IG: @loveatthecros_

Youtube: Love at the Cross

Instagram Q&A

Follow Jessica on Instagram @jessica_newsome_ to join in on exclusive content. We asked you to submit via IG, your questions for todays Q&A.

Your questions:
In the Christian faith, can you be gay and just not have gay sex?

How do you actively love people that you also disagree with theologically?

What exactly does Love at the Cross do?