Category Archives: God

Episode 84: Trusting God to know the desires of your heart- How to let God meet our emotional needs

What we desire most in life can be an array of things. That perfect job with great pay, that perfect relationship, children, etc. But other times it’s something more complex.

We may desire to restore a past relationship with someone whom God is telling us to distance ourselves from. What we are often left with is a void as we begin to trust God through faith. Loneliness and sadness can invade our lives as we long for God to heal our hearts and renew our minds.

Episode 83: Being sifted & pruned for greater

The hurt and pain of life as we cry out to God for help yet see no change in sight is excruciating. Where is God in the midst of the heartache and chaos? This is one of the most sought after questions I receive. While my answer is always the same, not many people want to hear it. Why? Because it causes us to have to do the hard thing that many are too lazy to do.

Episode 81: The pain of not letting go

Those who find themselves in vicious cycles often struggle with letting go. We often blame God for the bad things that happen in our lives when our choices were significant players.

Episode 80: All that glitters isn’t gold

Why do we continue to desire things that hurt us? It may not be substance abuse or an abusive relationship. Rather, it is often the thing that seems harmless that God tries to separate us from. Why?

God knows the harm that we face even if we don’t. He knows what’s best even when we try and fight it.