Category Archives: exgay

Episode 55: The Judas Effect

Let’s explore how Judas went from disciple to betrayer. If we are honest, we can find ourselves in Judas’ shoes and trapped in the stronghold of sin if we are not careful. In this podcast episode, I will discuss how to make sure you don’t get bound in the Judas effect.

Episode 53: Does God take away blessings because we mess up?

I have often thought that God takes things away because I am not always an honor roll student when it comes to my Christian walk. But in a dream God gave me, He showed me the true culprit behind many lost blessings.

Episode 50: How long does it take for breakthrough to come..

In a world where we compare ourselves to others & are driven by quick accomplishments, Christian’s tend to struggle with patiently waiting. Waiting for the addiction to cease, promises to be fulfilled & internal battles to no longer badger our hearts & minds. What if the Valleys of hardship are actually our pathways to peace? Join us in this weeks podcast as we dive into the lives of Paul & Silas as they praise their way toward breakthrough.