Category Archives: evil

Episode 147: Conversation with Kim Johnson

Kim and I have been friends for over 10 years. She has helped me along my journey and shares her valuable insight into the various situations we encounter leaving the LGBTQ to follow Jesus.

Episode 80: All that glitters isn’t gold

Why do we continue to desire things that hurt us? It may not be substance abuse or an abusive relationship. Rather, it is often the thing that seems harmless that God tries to separate us from. Why?

God knows the harm that we face even if we don’t. He knows what’s best even when we try and fight it.

Episode 53: Does God take away blessings because we mess up?

I have often thought that God takes things away because I am not always an honor roll student when it comes to my Christian walk. But in a dream God gave me, He showed me the true culprit behind many lost blessings.