Monthly Archives: March 2020

Episode 76: Discerning 3 types of dreams

Have you ever had a dream that was way to real and you wondered if it really happened? Or maybe a dream where you think God was trying to tell you something but you were unsure if it was from God or not? Some of the dreams we have that people are too scared to talk about are dreams from the enemy. Where Satan attempts to try to get you to sin sexually or morally. Manipulating situations to try to get you to act on in the natural. Let’s talk about it.

Episode 73: Don’t be a judgy Christian

How do you deal with Christians that are super judgy? Many people would rather be around non Christians because they find acceptance as they unpack their beliefs, thoughts and feelings. We as Christians often go through phases where we think we know it all, but actually know nothing, followed up by the “I know nothing” phase and need community as we unpack our newfound beliefs.