Monthly Archives: December 2019

Episode 64: The baggage that holds you back

Walking into the New Year holds so many expectations. The desire for things to get better and see a dream fulfilled. God will never give us what we can’t carry. All blessings from God come with some type of weight or burden. Marriage, new jobs and financial endeavors all come with their disclaimers. Have you allowed God to fix the inside (emotional, mental or physical aspects of your being) so you can be a good steward of the blessings He has for you?

Episode 63: I haven’t dabbled in homosexuality, but I want to!

I speak with many who have never been in a same-sex relationship but struggle with the strong desire to do so. Battling the desire for years yet never being able to fully walk away from the nagging thought, “What if..”.
How does one truly move past something they think embodies who they are and into trusting God with who they are meant to be?

Episode 60: This is probably why you’re struggling

Why do we find ourselves struggling so much in our walk with God? So often we find that unanswered dreams, petitions, and goals plague us years later and drain us of hope for the future. Let’s discuss what oftentimes causes this frustrating halt in our lives.